PE&RC Day Picture Awards 2024 (deadline 30 September 2024)

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PE&RC Day 2024 - Picture Awards

Thursday 10 October 2024

The Picture Awards are an important part of the PE&RC Day, therefore it will also be one of the topics of the online PE&RC Day 2024 programme.

To give everyone a chance to win, we divided the competition into three categories: 1) Thesis cover, 2) Fieldwork, 3) Labwork & modelling. So take this opportunity and submit a beautiful/meaningful/weird/tear-jerking picture of your PhD work. Show us what you’ve got! You can now submit your pictures for the competition here.

Each participant can submit one image per category. The top 3 will be awarded a prize with a value of € 100,-, € 75,-, and € 50,- per category. The pictures will be exhibited on the PE&RC website and via social media. Everyone will get the chance to vote for their favourite picture. The prize awards are based on the combined scores given by the evaluation committee (50%) and the audience (50%). At the end of the afternoon, the scores are calculated, and the prizes awarded.

Submission Criteria: Be sure that the pictures are of sufficient quality to be shown on screen. Accompany the picture with a short description of what we see on the picture (max 100 words). To take part in the competition, the applicant needs to be a member of PE&RC and present during the PE&RC Day!

Submission deadline: Monday 30 September 2024

To take part in the competition, please fill in your details and upload your picture below.

Personal details
Your submission


Please upload your picture / visualisation for category 1 (thesis cover) below:

Files must be less than 512 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pict psd pdf ppt pptx.

Please include the picture description for category 1 here (max. 100 words):


Please upload your picture / visualisation for category 2 (fieldwork) below:

Files must be less than 512 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pict psd pdf ppt pptx.

Please include the picture description for category 2 here (max. 100 words):


Please upload your picture / visualisation for category 3 (labwork and modelling) below:

Files must be less than 512 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png bmp eps tif pict psd pdf ppt pptx.

Please include the picture description for category 3 here (max. 100 words):


If your pictures or visualisations are too large to be uploaded here, or of a different file type, please send your pictures to, directly, or via or Make sure that the pictures are named as follows: "CAT1_your name" and/or "CAT2_your name" and/or "CAT3_your name".