Postdoc training
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- PE&RC Postdoc Retreat
This retreat focusses on the postdoc career ambitions and how the postdoc position can contribute to fulfilling these ambitions.
- Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) activities
WGS offers a broad range of general skills and competence courses and career training for PhDs and postdocs. These courses are open to all postdocs, but if you are registered as a PE&RC Postdoc, the reduced course fee generally applies to you.
- Career Development for Postdocs: Science and the Alternatives
WGS training specifically for postdocs in which via a reflective process postdocs determine their career ambitions (in or outside academia) and accordingly formalise a plan of action. This course is open to all postdocs, but if you are registered as a PE&RC Postdoc, the reduced course fee applies to you.
- Entrepreneurship in and outside Science
This workshop focusses on whether participants have entrepreneurial skills, if they can be developed and whether the participant has the entrepreneurial drive. Accordingly the workshop looks at the different manifestations of intra/entrepreneurship in academia, private companies or in an start-up context. Finally we will progress to opportunity recognition and the art of business modelling, where we also use your own research as building material for creating opportunities