The Go / No-go evaluation (generally scheduled around 1 year after the start of the PhD project) is obligatory for PhDs of various PE&RC partner universities but we highly recommended this for all. The outcome of the Go / No-go evaluation is a decision on whether or not the PhD candidate may continue his / her PhD project. The decision is based on the evaluation of progress, knowledge and insight of the PhD candidate in the project, but also on the status of the university's admission criteria (e.g., approval of the TSP and project proposal, and proof of proficiency in the English language), and on the general process.
The exact procedure and timeline for the Go / No-go evaluation generally varies somewhat between the different PE&RC institutes. Below, we provide some more details per PE&RC institute, but most importantly, we strongly urge all PE&RC PhD supervisors to discuss the Go / No-go procedure, criteria of evaluation, the timeline involved, and the consequences of a Go or a No-go with new PhD candidates already prior to the start of each new project and to document the procedure that will be followed.
The Go / No-go evaluation is obligatory for all PhD candidates registered at Wageningen University. The decision has to be taken within 8-14 months after the start of the PhD project. It is one of the obligatory steps required for formal admission to the WU PhD programme. A PhD candidate with an employment contract needs formal admission in order to receive contract extension for the rest of the PhD project. In both cases (Go or No-go), the graduate school needs to be informed, but we only need the outcome of the evaluation and the date on which the decision was taken. The actual Go / No-go form is confidential and only to be shared between the PhD candidate and its supervisors. The Go decision is the final step in the formal admission procedure to the PhD programme of WU, and therefore can only be given when all other admission criteria are met. The WU admission criteria are:
In the case of a no-go decision, the PhD project will be terminated and the PhD candidate cannot continue or re-enter the Wageningen University PhD programme with a different supervisor. In the case of an employment contract, this will not be extended.
You can find the instructions on how to process the GO/No-go in Hora Finita here.
An example of the WU Go / No-go evaluation form can be found here, please note that this form is only for pre-evaluation and cannot be used in Hora FInita!
The Go / No-go evaluation is obligatory for all PE&RC PhD candidates registered at IBED. The decision has to be taken at 14 months after the start of the PhD project. In both cases (Go or No-go), the evaluation form needs to be sent to Saskia Heijboer. The graduate school PE&RC needs to be informed too, but we only need the outcome of the evaluation and the date on which the decision was taken.
The latest version of the PE&RC-IBED Go / No-go evaluation form can be found here.
The goals of the Go / No-go interview at Naturalis is to determine whether the PhD candidate shows to have the capacity to complete the PhD thesis in time with a qualitatively good thesis and therefore can continue with the PhD research, or has to stop after 1 year. This Go / No-go interview is part of the formal Naturalis development evaluation cycle. The Go / No-go interview should take place in month 10 after the start of the PhD project. If the PhD candidate needs to extend the visa for the Netherlands, this interview should take place before month 9, in order to arrange the visa extension procedure in time. A written report of this Go / No-go interview has to be signed, and sent to the Research Coordination Office (RCO) of Naturalis.
The latest version of the Naturalis Go / No-go interview form can be found here.
We are still trying to obtain the official procedures as they are being followed at Utrecht University. In the meantime, we advise our members at Utrecht University to follow the Wageningen University procedures.
The latest version of the WU Go / No-go evaluation form can be found here.
We are still trying to obtain the official procedures as they are being followed at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. In the meantime, we advise our members at Utrecht University to follow the Wageningen University procedures.