NLSEB Junior Board: Third rotating lab visit to Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Universiteit Leiden

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NLSEB Junior Board organises: Third rotating lab visit to Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Universiteit Leiden on 1st October 2024!

The Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology (NLSEB) Junior Board hosts a series of events at various Dutch institutions, which aim to inform participants of the diversity of exciting evolution-based research in the Netherlands. 

This year’s Lab Rotation features an afternoon filled with insightful talks by senior and junior evolutionary biologists from Naturalis and Universiteit Leiden, followed by guided tours of the Naturalis research facilities and possibly a parallel tour of the facilities of the Universiteit Leiden Faculty of Science (depending on participant interest). 

Additionally, we are working to offer participants the chance to explore the Naturalis public exhibition for a heavy discount (50% at least) from 10:00 to 12:00. If you're interested in attending this special morning session, please indicate this when you register. 

Preliminary program:

10:00–12:00             Optional visit to the Naturalis public exhibition

12:00–13:00             Lunch

13:00–14:00             Senior talks

14:00–14:15             Coffee break

14:15–15:45             Junior talks

15:45–16:00             Coffee break

16:00–17:00             Tour around Naturalis’ facilities (and  around UL facilities)

17:00–onwards       Borrel & socializing

An extra note: Every year between the 1st and 3rd of October Leiden celebrates the Leidens ontzet (liberation from the Spanish in 1574) with a charming festival filled with parades, music, street theatrical performances, food, luna park, etc. This year is gonna be even more special because Leiden will commemorate 450 years of the event. You may want to extend your stay in Leiden.

We hope you will join us for an exciting day with evolutionary biologists from across the Netherlands! Everyone is welcome, but especially Postdocs, PhDs, and MSc students. To register, please fill out this form.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via

Important dates:

Lab rotation event: 1st of October 2024

Deadline for registration: 20th of September 2024 (but please register as soon as possible)

Link for registration: