Embedding fundamental research into WUR's impact mission

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Dear WUR PhDs and Postdocs

We gladly invite you all for the LUNCH MEETING on “Embedding fundamental research into WUR's impact mission” organized by WIMEK (A flyer attached). This will take place in FORUM- P0635 on 4th of October 2023 between 12:00 – 13.00 pm. Please bring your own lunch.

If you are interested to participate, please register here: https://forms.office.com/e/wdivP4ezmt

More information

  1. Target group: All the PhDs and Postdocs of WUR
  1. Goal:
  • To discuss the challenges that researchers may have to connect their fundamental research into larger context, especially finding the societal relevance and creating the impact in the society with their research.
  • Also, to socialize
  1. Meeting mode: Live only
  1. Meeting outline: Guest speech by Professor Jordi Vilà followed by plenary discussion

Short Bio of Professor Jordi Vilà

Jordi Vilà research interests focus on understanding the interactions between the atmosphere and land ecosystems.  More specifically, and with a team of experimentalists and modelers under the name of CloudRoots,  they investigate the interactions between clouds and photosynthesis. To this end, they have carried out intensive field campaigns in the Atacama desert, irrigation regions surrounded by extensive semi-arid areas and the Amazon tropical forest. Their findings contribute to improve the representations of photosynthesis and clouds on weather and climate models. Special interest is placed to transfer their research findings to the communities living at these ecosystems such as farmers or school children to increase their awareness on the fragility of these ecosystems. More information can be found at: https://cloudroots.wur.nl/team/.

If you have any questions please send an email to: elackiya.sithamparanathan@wur.nl