About the PE&RC PhD
PhD candidates of PE&RC are organised in the PE&RC PhD Council (PPC) . The members of this council represent the various research institutes, research fields and categories of PhD candidates within the graduate school. The main objective of the PE&RC PhD Council is to advise the PE&RC PhD Programme coordinators, the PE&RC Board and the PE&RC Committees, both at their request and on its own initiative. Additionally, the PPC serves as a "Knowledge and Experience Base" for new PhD candidates. The PPC does so by organising the annual PE&RC Day and by assigning "Buddies" to facilitate the arrival and quick acclimatisation of new PhD candidates at the Graduate School PE&RC. The PPC meets once every six weeks. The PE&RC PhD Programme coordinators generally join these meetings.
If you have any questions about the PPC, or if you feel the PPC should know about a certain issue that you are experiencing or that you heard of, and that applies to more people than just you yourself, then please contact the PPC directly via their dedicated e-mail address: ppc.perc@gmail.com. Also, if you are interested in joining the PPC yourself, please contact them via ppc.perc@gmail.com.
Positions and Committees of the PPC
• Chair: The PPC chair is responsible for the organisation of the monthly PPC meetings, chairs the PPC meetings, keeps a bird’s eye view on all activities and processes of the PPC, and is the contact person for general PPC information. The chair represents the PPC in the PE&RC board.
• Secretary: The PPC secretary is responsible for taking minutes during the meetings. • Outreach committee: The outreach representatives of the PPC are responsible for all communications of the PPC through (social) media. For instance, did you know that the PPC and PE&RC are active on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn?
• Education committee (Think tank):: Representatives advise the board on topics that are related to the educational programme. The educational programme includes the educational format of summer schools, workshops, discussion groups and courses. The teaching programme is regularly evaluated and new courses are arranged (when feasible) if asked for by postgraduates. The committee approves the education programme of a PhD candidate and whether or not the candidate is issued a PE&RC certificate. The task of the PPC representatives is to provide information, feedback and opinion on matters concerning the educational programme and evaluation procedures.
• Buddy system committee: This committee is responsible for the PE&RC Buddy system. The main goal of the Buddy system is to ensure that new PhD candidates are helped in finding their way during the first days in Wageningen. This is done through the guidance of a fellow PhD already settled here. More specific information about the PE&RC Buddy system can be found here.
• Social events committee: The social events committee organises social events that facilitate networking between different chair groups in PE&RC. Moreover the committee supports PhD candidates by establishing good relationships with other PE&RC members through shared participation in events. Together this provides PhD candidates with a platform to ask questions when in need and offers a broader scope of their PhD beyond their own discipline.
• Career Committee: The career committee organises activities that help PhD candidates to make future career choices. Examples of those activities are alumni sessions and company visits
.• PhD representatives committee:The representatives give updates from the different institutes participating within PE&RC. The goal is to inform each other about ongoing matters at the different institutes and share ideas and experiences.
• Wageningen PhD council: The Wageningen PhD Council (WPC) is composed of members of the six PhD Councils from each of the graduate schools in Wageningen University. There is at least one PPC member part of the WDC. The main task of the WDC is to provide a discussion platform in which the six PhD Councils of the graduate schools can work together on issues that are relevant for all PhD candidates at Wageningen University. The WDC discusses a wide variety of PhD related issues on regular basis, e.g. CAO developments, improvement of the position of young researchers, concerns etc. WDC exchanges 'best practices' and contributes to the cohesion between PhD councils of the different Graduate Schools.
• General members: We try to make sure that every PPC member is part of one or more committees. However, new members are often not immediately linked to a committee, but first join one or a few meetings as a general member, so that they can see which committee interests them most.