Meetings, Seminars & Workshops

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NAEM 2025
11 & 12 February 2025
Each year in February, the Netherlands Ecological Research Network (NERN) organises her annual conference, the Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting (NAEM). This conference is particularly geared towards people working in the field of ecology and/or evolution. It aims to strengthen the network of ecologists in the Netherlands, Belgium, and surrounding countries and provides an overview of the work carried out by the people in the network. You are cordially invited to register!!
WEES Seminar 13th February Dr. David Bierbach
13 February 2025
We would like to invite you to attend February’s Wageningen Evolution & Ecology Seminar (WEES) and the related workshop. The seminar will take place on Thursday 13th February, 16:00-17:00 in Orion C1040. Dr. David Bierbach from the Humboldt University (Germany) will present his work on clonal Poecilia formosa and robot fish in a seminar titled ‘How to use Clonal Fish and Biomimetic Robots to investigate Ecology and Evolution.’ After the seminar, everyone is invited to join for free drinks at The Spot, where it will be possible to interact more directly and informally with Dr. Bierbach.
Inspiration lunch workshops: Skills workshop Diversity and Inclusivity
17 February 2025
The event is organised for educational staff to get inspired.
Symposium Aquatic ecosystems in a dynamic world: research across timescales
19 February 2025
Water bodies across the world are being increasingly influenced by multiple stressors including climate change, pollutants, damming and habitat modification. Together these impacts of the Anthropocene have enormously influenced the ecology, water quality and ecosystem functions of lakes, ponds and rivers. Much of this change happened before the onset of ecological research and, in such cases, palaeolimnology (the analysis of lake sediment cores to reconstruct past ecological and environmental conditions), can provide missing insights. In combination with other methodological approaches such as long-term monitoring, experiments and surveys, long-term investigation of aquatic ecological variability and trajectories of change are vital for informing the possibilities of ecosystem recovery and rehabilitation. This symposium explores how long-term research on aquatic ecosystems can be the key to sustainable future waters. This symposium is associated with the construction of a new Chair in Aquatic Ecosystem Dynamics between the University of Utrecht and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and features invited international guests.
Tropical Ecology
24 - 28 February 2025
The 8th European Conference of Tropical Ecology will be held in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) from 24 to 28 February 2025. We invite you to join us for a celebration of the tropics, during which we hope to showcase the latest scientific advances, the brightest upcoming researchers, and some tropical secrets hidden in the heart of Amsterdam.
SENSE: The Bigger Picture (in environmental and climate sciences): Connecting your research to the wider context
3 - 17 March 2025
This course will enable you to think about the ‘bigger picture’, grasp sustainability and to apply concepts and approaches to your own research, in a collaborative learning environment.
Inspiration lunch workshops: Beyong ChatGPT - Exploring Generative AI tools to transform education
3 March 2025
The event is organised for educational staff to get inspired.
B-Wise Seminar, March 4th: Merijn Lamers & Yuze Li
4 March 2025
On Tuesday March 4th, the next B-Wise meeting will take place at 12:30h, in room C0221 in the Forum building. Lunch will be available from 12:00h onwards.
WYA Writing Retreat at De Beekdalhoeve
5 March 2025
Come join us for a 1-day writing retreat at de Beekdalhoeve in Renkum. We offer from 09:00 to 17:00h a quiet concentrated writing environment where you can work for a day (morning + afternoon) on your writing (paper, proposal, portfolio, etcetera...) a bunch of young fellow academics who also enjoy the writing retreat coffee/tea, lunch, drinks at the end of the afternoon.
Plastic Detection with Remote Sensing
5 March 2025
Plastic pollution in the environment poses significant challenges to ecosystem health and resource conservation. Effective monitoring through remote sensing requires innovative and scientifically robust methods. This master class offers an in-depth exploration of remote sensing techniques for detecting and quantifying plastic pollution in marine and terrestrial ecosystems.
SENSE: Big data exploration and object-oriented programming with Python
10 - 14 March 2025
Python is a dynamic, readable language that is a popular platform fit for executing different kinds of numerical problems, from simple one-off scripts to large, complex software projects. This workshop is aimed at people who already have a basic knowledge of Python and are interested in using the language to explore and visualize large datasets and write more complex programs using object-oriented programming techniques.
Writing with AI
10 March 2025
In this three-hour workshop, we show you how to work effectively with AI to improve your writing productivity and quality. We offer practical exercises in which you work on your own texts. After the workshop, you can submit your texts, prompts, and reflections on the use of AI for personal feedback from the teacher. This workshop will help you remain up to date and embrace the potential of AI for your writing.
WYA Scientific Controversy Workshop
11 March 2025
Scientific controversies, what are they, how to recognize and navigate them in your own early-mid academic career? Come join us for a 2 hour-workshop on controversies in science. We start with a brief lecture by Dr. Hugh Desmond (Philosophy Group) on Scientific Controversies. Afterwards you will work in smaller groups to discuss controversies in your own field as well as coping strategies. We close with a plenary discussion on how to cope with scientific controversies in the research fields of Wageningen University. Moderator: Dr. Kevin Matson (Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Group).
Save the date: Symposium Promovendi Netwerk Nederland
21 March 2025
PNN is op dit moment een onderzoek aan het afronden naar factoren die een rol spelen bij het tijdig afronden van het promotietraject. Op 21 maart 2025 zullen wij de resultaten presenteren tijdens een symposium. U bent hiervoor van harte uitgenodigd. Meer informatie volgt. Zie link voor meer informatie van het onderzoek.
4TU Design United PhD Day
26 March 2025
On behalf of 4TU Design United, we invite all PhD candidates, their advisors, and design research enthusiasts across the four technical universities of Delft, Eindhoven, Twente and Wageningen, to meet our 4TU colleagues and discuss the latest themes in design research. The day kicks off with a keynote address by Johan Redström, Professor in Design at Umeå Institute of Design. In the afternoon, we’ll dive into a variety of topics through engaging break-out sessions. These may include themes such as artistic research practices in design, politics in co-design processes, new developments in bio-inspired design and AI, speculative design techniques, and application-driven topics such as inclusive mobility systems and planetary health. The event will be held in Utrecht, a few minutes’ walk from Utrecht Central Station.
International Symposium: Future for Butterflies & Moths
3 - 5 April 2025
With an ever-growing community of professional and citizen scientists as well as practitioners in the field of Lepidoptera conservation, we feel that this symposium will offer a perfect occasion to meet again and offer new evidence-based perspectives on providing a future for butterflies and moths in Europe. The current debates on nature restoration in Europe indicate that these are urgently needed. We expect to cover a range of emerging topics to advance Lepidoptera conservation and restoration and we welcome your contribution! Please register before 15th of January for the early bird fee.
The PhD/Postdoc day
7 April 2025
The PhD/Postdoc day is designed to connect junior researchers in evolutionary biology across the Netherlands and to provide valuable insights into soft skills essential to scientific careers. Last year’s program included workshops on mentoring and infographics, along with a panel discussion on work-life balance in academia.
NL Polar Day 2025
8 April 2025
The Polar Day is organised jointly by NWO, APECS Netherlands and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Polar Day is open to polar researchers, policymakers, NGOs and industry, Master students and other (up and coming) polar professionals. NWO is responsible for the overall programme and the event’s general registration. APECS Netherlands takes care of the poster session and Early Career pitch talks.
NLSEB 2025 meeting
8 April 2024
We are excited to welcome you to the 2025 NLSEB meeting that will be held on Tuesday April 8th at the Reehorst hotel in Ede. We have two very exciting plenary talks by Inge Loes ten Kate (Utrecht University) and by Hassan Salem (Max Plank institute) and by the winner of the 2024 Netherlands Evolutionary Biology Prize.
10 & 11 April 2025
We invite you to attend the inaugural African Plant Genomics Symposium on the 10th and 11th of April 2025 at the United States International University in Nairobi, Kenya. For this symposium, the term plant genomics will encompass gene discovery, genome sequencing, functional genomics, comparative genomics, bioinformatics, genomics-assisted breeding, and ELSI (ethical, legal and social issues). We look forward to welcoming you to the African Plant Genomics Symposium 2025.
WGS PhD Workshop Carousel 2025
25 April 2025
Every year, Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) organises a one-day event for PhD candidates consisting of a carousel of 4 sessions with 6 workshops per session. The 1.5 hour workshops deal with all sorts of elements important for PhDs and the PhD track. Workshops are either stand-alone workshops or teasers that give a taste of more elaborate courses and workshops organised by Wageningen Graduate Schools.
Amsterdam Complexity School on Climate Change
28 April - 2 May 2025
The Amsterdam Complexity School on Climate Change (ACSCC) is a one-week event where early-career researchers and non-academic stakeholders come together to work on interdisciplinary projects around climate change using complexity science as the backbone.
BioSB 2025 Conference
20-21 May 2025
Experienced scientists, entrepreneurs and (PhD) students/colleagues who are just starting their careers in bioinformatics or systems biology, we want to give all of you the opportunity to discuss the latest research developments in bioinformatics, systems and computational (systems biology) and their broad applications in life sciences & health, agriculture, food & nutrition. Early Bird Discount is until 9 April 2025.
12th international workshop on molecular biology and genetics of the lepidoptera
6 - 12 July 2025
The 12th international workshop on molecular biology and genetics of the lepidoptera will be held at the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolympari (also spelled Kolymbari), Crete, Greece, from 6 until 12 July 2025.
12th international workshop on molecular biology and genetics of the lepidoptera
6 - 12 July 2025
The 12th international workshop on molecular biology and genetics of the lepidoptera will be held at the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolympari (also spelled Kolymbari), Crete, Greece, from 6 until 12 July 2025.
8th International Farming System Design Conference (FSD8)
25 - 29 August 2025
This conference welcomes scientists from all over the world working on and for the transformation of agricultural systems, with the aim to accelerate the development of healthy and sustainable agrifood systems. There is a need for radical shifts in the world’s agricultural systems so that they can face current and future challenges. Registration: from 1 April 2025 to 30 June 2025.
Summerschool 2025: Deep learning for biodiversity and ecological research
25 -29 August 2025
The 2025 iDiv summer school will provide participants with a hands-on experience in applying latest deep learning and computer vision techniques to ecological and biodiversity studies. The participants will be introduced to the theoretical foundations of deep learning and its applications in ecological research. In addition, hands-on sessions will allow participants to deepen their understanding by working with real-world examples. These practical exercises will focus on using deep learning libraries, as well as building, training, and evaluating deep learning models for ecological tasks. The summer school is aimed at MSc students and doctoral researchers. Participants from regions often underrepresented in science can apply for funding. Deadline for applications is 28 February 2025.