PE&RC Office

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Daily responsibility is delegated to the Director of the Graduate School (Prof. Bas Zwaan). He is responsible for the scientific and educational performance of PE&RC and reports to the PE&RC Board and the Executive Board of the Wageningen UR. He is assisted by an executive staff: an executive secretary, four PhD programme coordinators (who jointly deal with the day-to-day management of the Graduate School and represent the Graduate School in formal meetings), and two programme assistants.

The executive staff consists of:

theo jetten.png Theo Jetten
Executive Secretary
Dr. Claudius van de Vijver
Head PhD Programme / Deputy Executive Secretary


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Inka Bentum
PhD Programme Coordinator
Miriam van Heist
PhD Programme Coordinator
Dr. Sanja Selaković
PhD Programme Coordinator

Dr. Gilian van Duijvendijk
PhD Programme Coordinator

Kim Klaassen Bos
Programme assistant

Maartje Sijtsema
Programme assistant