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Please note that, at this stage, this event is fully booked. Nevertheless, you are most welcome to register for this event, and accordingly, we will place you in a waiting list. Should any of the registered participants cancel his/her registration (which is quite common), we will notify you and ask you whether you would still like to participate in this event. If we do not contact you again with respect to this event, you may assume that no vacancies have arisen.

PE&RC - The Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation


The Graduate School for Production Ecology & Resource Conservation (PE&RC) is a collaborative research and PhD training institute, coordinated by Wageningen University (WU). Members of PE&RC are academic staff, postdocs and PhD candidates of Wageningen University, Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Radboud University, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, and the Netherlands Institute of Ecology. Central focus of the collaboration is the PhD programme that is embedded in a coherent and productive research environment that aims to perform frontier academic research of the highest quality. For more information, click here.


PE&RC News

Upcoming PE&RC courses

Upcoming PhD Defences